Thursday, March 21, 2019

Rock-Climbing for Writers

Winter is the time to be in the cave unless prodded out to go work outside your home, which I’ve avoided for the most part.
Cold is great when you're inside looking out; but to be in it, in the snow and hail and blasting cold winds is to play with the worst bully in the playground.
I have been editing and writing as a remote worker, which allows me to work with a blanket around my shoulders.
In my meditation groups, I get to socialize with people who are seeking enlightenment and those who are just looking to drain the excess information from their nervous systems, so they can concentrate and sleep and remember where they put their keys.
My Writer friends and I talk about the excessive amounts of information we ingest on any given day and it isn’t to be smart or the hit of the party we would never attend... it is just our football.

My latest obsession is persistence and those who exemplify this trait — particularly rock climbers. Persistence with the added flair of possibly falling off a rock to be eaten by bears is fascinating to me.

I can compare it to running long-distance with a fever, a cold and in severe weather.

What was it that made me run in horrible weather and, sometimes, in pain?

I think a solid hour of self-imposed and controlled suffering strengthened me for the day and also made me feel tougher than any weather.
Running was the old Transcendental Meditation where every problem fell away and nature seemed closer.
Life got simple and tasks organized themselves in my mind without my help.
As I write this, I realize my writing could use some rock-climbing persistence, so I will definitely brave the cold and run tomorrow morning.
I'll let you know how it went.

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